Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Havent been in much of a blogging mood lately. My cousin has come and gone, feels like it was way too fast. It was nice having him around to take my mind off things and the monotony of everything. These days just seem to have been running into each other and next thing ya know its been a week! time is a crazy thing though, i actually need it to speed up to the end of the month so the galpal will be back home and my final paycheck at my job before i embark to edmond to live and try and find new employment! Oddly enough im actually ready for school to roll around. Ive found a little spark of motivation knowing i am not that far behind from my bachelors degree as i thought i was, just gotta make sure to pack those summer classes in hard come 2010. I got so bored today i decided to paint. I'm probably the worst painter there is, only because i really go i nto it with no plan whatsoever...its like whatever comes out comes out haha and this is a perfect example of what and how i painted today.

anyways im really thinkin about selling some music equipment such as my keyboard, my amp, and my electric guitar. so if anybody is reading this and is interested and or knows anyone thats interested lemme know! all right, that concludes tonights entry. Hopefully i wont go this long again without an update! adios!


  1. You painted a black guy with huge lips, smoking a blunt? You racist!!

  2. haha i like alex's comment. Anyways I like it! i think you should let me hang it in my room!For real though I think you should paint me a picture. Just abstract or something! have a good day
