Thursday, February 11, 2010

back to back blogposts! whoa!
lol anyways first off, R.I.P. Alexander McQueen..
he committed suicide today, ya know i never really thought about it this way but its hard for me to feel sorry for somebody who commited suicide bc it just feels like a cop out, but damn he was one talented mother fucker. Pushed the envelope in fashion design, came up with extraordinary clothing pieces as well as his jewlery line which i love but could never afford... one day..and most of all he really took fashion to to the edge and challenged competitors and even followers to new hieghts...what a waste, but RIP nonetheless.

whats new in the life...nothing. all i do is eat, sleep, surf the internet for things i want and drown myself in design and illustration homework. Its boring and monotonous but i only have a year left so i gotta try and buckle it down and look at the bigger picture! im thinkin ill be going back to california again this springbreak with my parents, i miss my baby nephew and i wanna see him badly! and on top of that im thinking about trying to pay a visit to some streetwear brands out there that i follow and kind of try and drop my name out there so maybe i can start interning for some of them this summer. who knows, we shall see! big hopes and big dreams.

blah i need to go clean my screen printing screen..i have too many t shirt ideas right now that i need to screenprint! wish i had a machine to do it for me, i have to do it by hand which is so damn time consuming...oh well its not too bad it makes each shirt much more personal.

ok im rambling now so ill end with a picture that i really like.

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